Sunday, October 12, 2014

Manitoba Fall 2014

Day 1, Thursday, September 11th

So much to talk about my latest trip to Manitoba. 
This is about the first time I didn't have to get Tom to drop me off at the airport before sunrise.  But, he had to get me to the airport early because he was scheduled to take his Mom to her allergy shot appointment before 8 am.  Although my plane left at 9:29 am, I got to the airport at 7:15ish and was just dropped off.  I had a book to read so all was good. 
First leg of my journey, while in line for boarding, a passenger remarked about the butterflies on my backpack.  And surprise, surprise, the same passenger was seated beside me.  I hope Carol becomes a life long friend of mine.  We bonded during the short 20 minute flight and 30 minute taxiing.  We have so much in common. 
I only had to walk a couple of gates and was at my departure gate in Chicago to Winnipeg.  I read and snoozed during that flight and only talked to the guy beside me while deplaning and getting my luggage. 
I was happily shocked to see Tabi and all 3 kidlets.  Happy day.  It is so nice to have big strong grandsons to help with my luggage and Trenna to look cute. 
Since we didn't have to hurry home to wait for the school bus we took my pants and Tabi's dress to be hemmed and fitted at the tailors.  Then  went towards St Vital shopping center and ate at Smitty's.
I shared Trenna and Maddy's room.  They have a great bunk bed with a full sized bed on the bottom which was my bed for my visit.  Very comfy.

Day 2, Friday, September 12th

Even though the weather was chilly, I got to see the boys off on the school bus and met Tabi's friend Barb and her daughter Tabitha.  We both have great taste in naming our daughters!! Barb is a fun person and I hope our friendship develops over time. 
I washed my hair and Cammy blow dried it for me.  He is so patient and worked hard at getting my hair dry.

When school was over, we packed up the van and headed to Argyle to pick up Maddy.  All the kids must be eating good.  Josh and Maddy are almost as tall as me and I can see a growth spurt in both Cammy and Trenna.  At least I will always be slightly taller than Tabi except when she wears heels!!
We visted Mike's Mom, Dinah in Stonewall before heading home. Another surprise was in store for us .... big flat bed truck on the driveway.  Yes, Mike was home.  I wasn't sure if I would get to see him this trip.  Good news!!

Day 3, Saturday September 13th

Since Mike was home, Tabi took Trenna with us to visit Gina and Mike spent the day with the older kids. 
Gina and Tyler have a beautiful new house.  When I first met Gina at Tabi's, they were almost moving into this house so I heard about it from the beginning.  Trenna made a new best friend Kaelynne and Lennon liked to tag along with the girls.  Chevelle is a big dog who thinks he is a lap dog ... not!! This beautiful friendly white cat is Sugar.

Tabi wanted to get her hair cut shorter so she could look like TinTin.  I decided spur of the moment I really wanted to have short hair again also.  Be gone, teal ends and hello ears.  The hair cuts were very nice and now to plan how to add teal back to my short locks.  Had a fun conversation with the hairdresser.  We were the only people at the time so we were able to talk freely about all kinds of things.  Right, Tabi?? 
Gina noticed my new do right away and Trenna wasn't sure. 
We drove home in the dark, another late night.  Mike didn't notice my hair right away which was a good sign.  I look "normal" with short hair.  Cammy noticed first.  He is very observant and generous.  He gave me a plush fish that Josh had won for him (I did make sure Josh was okay with that) and a wallet for Grandpa Tom.  Thanks Cammy.  I still have the rock he gave me from the driveway during a visit a few years ago.  Grandmas do that!!

Day 4, Sunday, September 14th

Today was scheduled for a family picnic.  I was so excited.  Then it got overcast and started to hail.  Yes, you read right and here is the photo as proof.

We phoned Michelle and were told it was still nice in Winnipeg so picnic was on in Kildonan Park.  Another phone call later, and it was dreary in Winnipeg so Michelle was so kind as to invite the whole circus to her house.  I'm sure with Shawn's permission!!  We had a great time.  I got to see Reese, Fluffy hamster and handsome fish.

 I also was able to see the girls' book nooks made out of their closets.  Very clever and cool idea.
I'm so lucky my family puts up with my idiosyncrasies.  Auntie Mollie gave me her umbrella sun hat after I took a photo of her in it.  Michelle posed in the hat when she visited here in March and all the family took turns wearing the "gorgeous high-class" hat so I can made a collage eventually. 

We ate picnic food indoors and the weather cleared up enough for the kids to use the trampoline outside.

McKayla sewed a beautiful pillow for me out of a bandana in my favourite colour.  Thanks so much McKayla. 

Day 5, Monday, September 15th

Boys in school so we took Trenna to Selkirk's Barney Gargles restaurant to meet up with Crystal, bride to be, Cathy, mom of the bride and Marge, grandmom of the bride.  We had a great time.  We laughed and talked and ate.  I think we could have spent the whole day there but we had to go home to meet the school bus and Crystal had stuff to do to prepare for her wedding in a few days. 

Day 6,  Tuesday, September 16th

Mike was able to come home so Tabi went to pick him up and I kept Joshua with me.  We played cribbage.  He is picking up the game very good but one game was enough.
Everyday Trenna or Cameron would pick out which pair of earrings I should wear.  I tried to decide which clothes I would wear so the earrings would match but I had to wear clothes to match the earrings.

Day 7, Wednesday, September 17th

Tabi drove Mike back to work and I kept Cameron with me.  He is such a fun kid and I enjoyed my solo time with him. 

Day 8, Thursday, September 18th

Boys in school so they missed our lunch out with Adrienne at Red Lobster by Polo Park.  That restaurant has special memories for me.  Every time Tom would fly in to visit while we were dating long distance, we would drive from the airport to Red Lobster and eat.  Except the last time when he moved here in March 2000.  The restaurant was full and wait too long so we ended up next door at Olive Garden.  Change in routine.  Then no more visits, we were together 24/7.  Yeah!!
Food was great and dessert even better.  Adrienne and I had a lot of catching up to do.  Such a fun lunch.  Thanks Adrienne.

Day 9, Friday, September 19th

After school we dropped Cammy off at his Dad, Sean's and picked up our stuff at the tailor.  Trenna was so excited we were going to the tailors  She thought we were going to see Taylor and was so disappointed that was not to be. 
We went to St Vital shopping center and shopped at the book store.  I bought some craft magazines and 2 books for Josh from the series he is reading.  He is a good reader and reads way beyond his age of 10.
Tabi and I stayed up til 3 am doing our nails

Day 10, Saturday, September 20th

Mike was able to get his dad's truck and come home for the weekend.  I'm so happy to have seen him this trip.

Tabi and I cleaned up good and drove to the Art Gallery in Winnipeg for Crystal and Dino's wedding.  We didn't know anyone but luckily saw Ryan so talked with him until the ceremony.  We sat behind Marge and also talked with Lindsay.  Beautiful ceremony and touching vows.  This was the first time I saw a bag holding their wedding rings, being passed around the guests to bestow good wishes.  Cool idea.  The youngsters in the wedding party behaved perfectly.  No "Funniest Home Video" moments.

We were able to spend time with Ryan, his family plus Clifford and his family as well as Cathy, Larry and Marge.  The food was delicious and plentiful.  Cathy and I headed to the front of the line (we thought) for the candy buffet but while we were talking, the servers set out the buffet on the other side of the table from us so we weren't first in line.  But, we did get a full bag each of yummy candies.  What a novel and fun idea. 

Crystal did say most of her wedding wasn't traditional.
We parked at The Bay parkcade across the street from the Art Gallery. Good parking except when we were leaving. a  truck pulled in tight to Tabi's door.  Good thing she is skinny.  The parking area was empty pretty much, so why park right beside her and so tight??  We have no idea.  While there, some people entered the parking garage to go to their cars but there were 2 other cars there and that was theirs.  So we have no idea who the jerk was that parked by Tabi's van.

Day 11, Sunday, September 21st

This was the most disappointing day of my trip.  We were supposed to be visited by Todd, Cynthia and Liam.  The plans were for them to come to Tabi's and have lasagna for dinner with us.  Cynthia was hospitalized with breathing issues so we had to cancel.  I'm happy to say Cynthia is feeling better now but we couldn't reschedule this trip.  So the day was a quiet relaxing day at home and I was finally able to finish my book to leave for Tabi. 

Day 12, Monday, September 22nd

We took a drive into Lac du Bonnet.  I had to do banking, Tabi went to Autopac and Mike had phone business to take care of.  Tabi treated us to lunch  at Chicken Chef.  Yum!  Trenna is well behaved for a 3 year old in restaurants and I was able to see her eat in a few. 
We took Cammy and Trenna to the Dollar store in Beausejour where they were able to pick out 5 items each from Grandpa Tom and me.  Josh already had his present from us so he went with Mike to complete his phone business since the outlet in Lac du Bonnet was closed.   Trenna liked Cammy choices so they both got helium balloons and a ball.  Trenna also picked out sunglasses, a Canadian flag and barrettes.  Cammy picked out a kite, tractor and truck.  I couldn't leave Josh out of  the fun so I bought him a light to clip onto a book, a deck of cards and stickie notes to use as a bookmark. 
We chose stuff for Maddy also.  Cammy found a diary for her, wall art, ????????  and I asked Tabi to get her a clip light like Josh's also.  I don't know why I didn't think of that when we were there.
Barb waited til I was packed then came over around 2 to fill my suitcase.  She gave me 2 animated toys.  One a bear and the other a sun tanning Santa.  I love them.  Luckily I was able to turn off the music so it wouldn't accidentally turn on while in my suitcase. The other item was an Angel with the words "From GOD's HEART came a Grandmother like you ....."  I teared up and everyone who knows me, knows I don't do that too often.  Thanks Barb.        

Day 13, Tuesday, September 23rd

Sad day.  Time to leave.  But also happy day ....back to Tom.
Tabi dropped me off at the airport.  I wasn't sure how heavy my suitcase was so I filled my backpack with heavy stuff and all my chocolate bars.  I had to buy Eatmore, Cherry Blossom, mint Aero, Kerr's toffee and McIntosh taffy.  Next time I want Coffee Crisp and Big Turk as well as more of what I already bought.  I wish I knew where there is a Laura Secord so I can buy their French Mint Chocolates.  Fannie May is almost as good but not quite.  My backpack was soooo heavy the material ripped between the straps and the main bag so, bye bye butterflies.



1 comment:

  1. This is my first attempt and first draft. Please let me know where I oops'd and I'll fix it. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.
